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Exam Disability Accommodations

We ensure accessible testing for the CFA Program®, CIPM Program®, and Certificate in ESG Investing in compliance with legal regulations.
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Legal regulations apply to candidates with a significant impairment that limits, as compared to most people in the general population, their ability to sit the exam. Approval is not guaranteed, even if granted previously.

Important guidelines

  • You must be registered for an exam to submit an accommodation request.
  • Follow the published deadlines and submit all required documentation.
  • A decision from CFA Institute is needed before scheduling your exam.
  • Provide requested documentation with your submission.
  • Review the FAQs.
  • Submit all documentation through the secure online portal; email submissions are not accepted.

Pre-approved permissible items

Items on the Prometric’s Pre-Approved Personal Items list don't require an accommodation request and will be allowed in the testing room after visual inspection by the Test Center Administrator or remote proctor. The inspection is done without touching the item or asking the candidate to remove it unless stated otherwise.

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Important deadlines

Disability accommodation requests are reviewed case-by-case and must be submitted by the deadline for your exam. Submit requests early if possible, as late submissions won’t be reviewed. Do not schedule your exam until your accommodation request is approved.

CFA Program

CFA Program has two deadlines for each exam administration, and 4 administrations each year.

    CIPM Program

      Certificate in ESG Investing

      You must submit your request within 30 days of registering for the Certificate in ESG Investing program. If you are considering Online Proctored Testing, please note that not all accommodations are available. Read the Disability Accommodations Form carefully. 

      Comfort requests

      Candidates without documented disabilities may request special arrangements for the exam. Items on Prometric’s Pre-Approved Personal Items list don’t need CFA Institute approval. For other requests, including nursing accommodations, contact [email protected]. Comfort requests are reviewed case-by-case and depend on test center availability, so approval is not guaranteed. Submit requests as early as possible.

      Diabetic care

      Most accommodations for diabetic candidates do not require a formal accommodation request. Medical devices or aids such as a glucose monitor and glucose tablets are pre-approved permissible items.

      Food and non-water beverages are not permitted in the testing room. However, candidates may keep them in the personal belongings area which can be accessed during the optional scheduled break.

      Returning & deferred candidates

      Candidates with previously approved CFA Institute accommodations must submit a Disability Accommodations Request Form for each exam administration.*

      • Same Accommodation: No new documentation is required.
      • Changes to Accommodation: Submit the form with new documentation supporting the updated request.

      *This applies even if you deferred your exam, as accommodations do not transfer automatically.
      **If more than seven years have passed since your last CFA Program exam, new medical and supporting documentation is required.

      Documentation requirements

      What to submit

      Submit all documentation in English within ten (10) business days of submitting the request form, but no later than the deadline.

      What not to submit

      • Documentation in a language other than English.
      • General letters from medical professionals in place of a comprehensive evaluation report.
      • Multiple copies of the same documentation.
      • Requests or accommodations from other institutions.
      • Documents via email; use the secure online portal for submission.
      • Protected documents, self-reports, or research articles.

      Accommodation request process

        Submit the Disability Accommodation Request Form (log-in required) with the requested documentation. After you have submitted your request, you can view the status and details of your request online (log-in required). 

        Please allow approximately four 4 weeks for the review and processing of your request. All accommodation requests and supporting medical documentation are carefully reviewed by exam administration personnel. You will receive notification regarding the status of your request once it has been evaluated, along with the next steps for scheduling your exam appointment.

        Some testing accommodations are not able to be scheduled through the online ProScheduler. In these cases, you will be instructed to contact Prometric directly. A member of the Prometric team will work to schedule an exam appointment inclusive of your granted accommodation in your preferred testing area. Please note that this process may require additional processing time to arrange the logistical aspects of your granted accommodations request.

        If you are not granted accommodation, you will still be permitted to take the exam under standard testing conditions and will be provided instruction on how to proceed with scheduling your exam appointment.

        Important Note: The exam appointment general scheduling deadline does not apply to Disability Accommodations candidates. Any emails from CFA Institute in reference to this can be disregarded.

        Additional resources

        A comprehensive guidebook for candidates seeking to request accommodation for proctored exams.

        View the status and details of your submitted request (log-in required).

        Frequently asked questions

          No. Your appointment will need to include any approved accommodations; therefore, we ask that you do not schedule an exam appointment until we have completed our evaluation of your request.  

          Once we have made a determination on your request, we will provide you with information on how to schedule your exam appointment. Please note that if accommodation is granted, any existing appointment will automatically be cancelled so that a new appointment can be scheduled inclusive of any approved accommodation, if applicable. 

          When you complete the online request form, you may request accommodations which are both necessary and appropriate for their condition. Examples of testing accommodations offered include:

          • Extended time  
          • Flexible, off-the-clock breaks  
          • Private rooms  Reader to read questions and instructions on screen  
          • Screen reading technology  
          • Scribes to type or select answers  
          • Wheelchair-accessible testing stations* 
          • ZoomText font magnification 

          *To ensure that candidates with wheelchairs are scheduled in ADA-compliant testing labs and at wheelchair compliant workstations, we strongly encourage candidates who require wheelchair assistance to submit a Disability Accommodations Request form. Additional documentation is not required. 

          The Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation Report should present objective evidence measuring the way in which the condition hinders major life activities used in taking the CFA® one of our proctored exams, specifically, reading, thinking, and the like. Such information must show that the accommodation sought will address and ameliorate the specific measurable limitation suffered as a result of the condition. Typically, this objective evidence is reflected through an evaluation report with norm-referenced test batteries (e.g., WAIS-IV, WJ-IV, WIAT-III, GORT-V, etc.) and scores. 

          No. CFA Institute does not reimburse for the costs associated with obtaining any required medical documentation.

          Can't find your answer?

          For accommodation request queries, please get in touch. Our team aims to respond within 5 business days. We handle all cases in the same manner and cannot speak directly with candidates or their advocates.